
KinesiologyWhat can Kinesiology do for you?

Some of the areas where specialised kinesiology might benefit the client:

  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Allergies & reactions
  • Emotional Problems
  • Depression
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Neck- & Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Insomnia
  • Skin problems
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Constipation
  • Phobias & Addictions
  • Anxiety & panic attacks
  • Past Trauma
  • Enhanced Sports performance
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Anger management
  • Recurring infections
  • Sciatica
  • PMS
  • Student / Exam stress
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Low self esteem
  • Electro-Magnetic Field sensitivity

We do not claim to heal, diagnose, treat or work with any illness i.r.t. the symptoms.

What is Specialised Kinesiology?

I get asked that question a lot. Everybody always answers "Oh, yes" when I tell them I am a Spesialised Kinesiologist, but most have no clue what that means. Easy to explain, difficult to grasp, yet simple and powerful in how it works with phenomenal results! The word kinesiology is defined as the 'study of the mechanics of body movements'. That is what we do, but it is only the mechanism we use to get an answer. The answer can be a simple Yes / No, a Positive / Negative, any answer where there is a clear cut difference between the possible answers. But that is not where it stops. We also use this biofeedback mechanism to sift through lists of information to pinpoint information pertinent to a spesific stressor.

Specialised Kinesiology is not just one thing. It has a long history based in science, Eastern medicine, Applied Kinesiology and Chiropractic.

It's a combination of the proven principles of Psychology, Psychiatry, Physiology, Neuroscience, Homeopathy, Chiropractic and Traditional as well as Classical Chinese Medicine. Now combine these scientific principles with the muscle biofeedback mechanism developed by Applied Kinesiology and voilà, you have a super efficient system that is capable of finding and diffusing unresolved stress reactions and patterns. This is not your common or garden pressure at work type stress at work here. I am referring to stress reactions throughout your entire life, even some before you were born!

Our health and wellbeing is the target for such stressors. It can cause nutritional issues, central nervous system disorders, hormonal dysfunction, wreak havoc with your emotions as well as physical symptoms of illness to name but a few. Every time our brain reacts to a stressor, albeit physical, mental or emotional in nature, the response of the body is always the same - stress hormones like Cortisol, Norepinephrine, Adrenaline and Oxytocin are released into the blood stream. This initiates the Fight or Flight response, having a massive domino effect in our bodies and how the brain reacts in that particular situation. In effect the brain loses it's ability to distinguish between appropriate options available in dealing with a stressful situation. The primal left rear brain kicks into action, playing out ancestral and learned patterns of behavior.

In the coming weeks and months I will attempt to elaborate on everything I mentioned here. I will also focus on individual case studies and use stories to help you understand the 'why, what, where and how' we do certain things and reacting in certain ways when confronted with the abnormal.

The endgame is to return to your true self, not the tightly wound ball of stress that we perceive to be "normal". Let me be your guide and rediscover your true purpose.


In Augustus 2018 was ek moedeloos van siek wees, ek kon geen druk hanteer nie en het handevol

pille gesluk wat elke simptoom behandel het. Fibromialgie is in 2014 by my gediagnoseer in ‘n baie erge graad. Sonder die medikasie het ek geweldige pyn in my spiere gehad asook ‘n dodelike moegheid. Ek het 400mg Lyrica per dag gedrink asook Tramazac pynpille en verskeie aanvullende middels. In 2016 het my blindederm gebars en geweldige komplikasies veroorsaak. Drie maande later was ek in die Intensiewe Eenheid opgeneem met ernstige Septisemie wat in my knie prostese ontstaan het. My organe was besig om in te gee toe die oorsaak van die septisemie opgespoor is. Met drastiese antibiotise behandeling het ek beter geraak.

My brein was aangetas en ek het geen begrip van tyd gehad nie en kon nie ‘n horlosie verstaan of dae van die week nie. Ek was twee weke in intensief en het toe huis toe gekom waar my dogter my drie maande lank versorg het. Ek het reeds jare Rumatoïde Artritis waarvoor ek ook medikasie gebruik. Ek het besef ek moes hulp kry en het gebid dat die Here my na die regte person moes stuur om my te help. My oë moes getoets word en ek het ‘n afspraak by René gemaak.

In sy spreekkamer ontvangs area het ‘n inligtings blad gelê oor Gespesialiseerde Kinesiologie en dit was asof ‘n lig vir my aan gegaan het want dit het my simptome presies beskryf. Ons het lekker gesels en in die proses vertel ek hom van al my probleme dit was ewe skielik vir my of ek nou met die regte man praat. Ons het die volgende week met die Kinesiologie begin.

Na die eerste behandeling het ek reeds wonderlik gevoel en selfs die middag gaan stap wat ek nooit meer kans voor gesien het nie. Na die tweede behandeling het ek self my Lyrica en ander pyn medikasie geleidelik begin verminder en na 6 behandelings reeds 10 kg gewig verloor en my apteek rekening was die helfte kleiner waaroor my man gejuig het!

Ek het in total 10 behandelings in 5 maande gehad en was nooit weer moeg en moedeloos nie ek doen alles waarvoor ek altyd lief was en die Fibromialgie is genees. Ek het ook gedurende die behandeling van baie emosionele bagasie ontslae geraak wat ek glo die simptome vererger het. My

Rumatoïde Artritis is in remissie alhoewel ek nog die medekasie moet gebruik is dit beter.

Ek is ‘n ander mens, oral waar ek kom merk my vriende die verandering op en komplementeer my daarmee dat ek so goed Iyk. Ek was altyd ‘n baie optimistiese persoon en baie vriendelik, dit is alles terug. Aan die einde van die behandeling het ek 12 Kg verloor en is baie meer beweeglik.  

Dankie René, jy het my lewe omgekeer. Jy is my held!!!