Lugol's Iodine

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Lugol's Iodine has many applications, including diarrhea, food poisoning and flatulence. There is strong correlation between the thyroid gland function and Iodine intake. It has a balancing effect on all hormone producing glands in the body. Can be used as a disinfectant and used to treat Thyrotoxicosis. It is described in the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines as the safest and most effective medicine needed in a health system. A positive side effect of taking Lugol's has been noted as having the resolution of Candida infections! 


Contains: Lugol's Iodine: Potassium Iodide (KI) and Iodine (I) - 5,62mg per drop = 8.5%


Dosage: Take 3 drops in a little bit of water, up to 3 times a day